
Ray Charles - America the Beautiful

For those of you that couldn't get behind Hendrix playing the anthem here is a classic, flag and all.
Happy 4th.


The Star Spangled Banner

Now you can't get anymore patriotic than that.
Is he wearing a flag lapel pin?
Enjoy the 4th.


The Reason It Matters

The Supreme Court just ended their session last week and the decisions that were handed down have pointed out why the next election is so important.
John McCain has stated he will continue to appoint conservative judges. The more moderate, some say liberal, judges are ready to retire. John Paul Stevens is 88, Justice Ruth Bader-Ginsburg is in her middle 70’s and has health issues and Justice Souter would like to get back to his cabin.
All of them are clinging to their seats, praying for a progressive, Democratic President so they can retire and not concede the court to the activist right.
The appointments of Alito and Roberts and the retirement of O’Conner, has tilted one of the three pillars of our government to the right in a way that is reshaping the laws of the land.
This election is, of course, about the two men running but the make up of the court will be a lasting legacy that we will have to live with for many years after the next President is long gone.