I am reluctant turn this blog into a one issue blog so I will get back to art sailing and politics soon.
But first a little more on the Atlantic Yards, the development of the Nets Arena, Housing and shopping at Flatbush and Atlantic Aves. in Brooklyn.
The bloggers and readers of No Land Grab, Develop, Don’t Destroy Brooklyn and Curbed have come to this blog and expressed their anti Atlantic Yards, views in the comments area. I moderate the comments but am willing to post them all as long the language is appropriate. So far most are passionate but polite.
So… Comment away.
I do have to say they totally wasted their time and energies. The Atlantic Yards, are going to happen. All the blogs and endless hours posting, marching and campaigning are to no avail.
I happen to be eating in a new local restaurant this weekend and met Marty Markowitz. The man is of course a Brooklyn cheerleader but there is no doubt in the man’s mind that the Atlantic Yards will happen.
So this Tuesday vote for candidates that support the project and lets get Brooklyn growing.
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